Our Vision

We envision our united communities as places where everyone can live the life they choose. 

We know that a lack of access to necessary supports and other systemic barriers cause hardship and stress for families and individuals and lead to a lack of economic mobility. Breaking down these barriers requires community members to use their voices and inform community partners (Nonprofits and Faith Organizations) how to help holistically and completely. We want to meet comfort and safety needs, but we can’t stop there. We also want to set our community members up to achieve their hopes and dreams. 

Our Plan

Community members closest to the challenges are the experts of the experience and their voice should be prioritized in determining the problems and designing the best solutions. We work closely with the communities of Davidson West, Smithville, Pottstown, and Huntington Green, known as the United Neighborhoods.

Community partners include nonprofits and faith-based organizations. Collaboration and communication between community members and partners builds collective might that allows for alignment of services, improved service delivery, strengthening of assets, removal of barriers, and the filling of gaps. Community partners engage with the community directly to build trust with those they serve. North Meck Connect’s community engagement includes an Affordable Housing Forum and building a Tenants Coalition for renters in our communities. Additionally, North Meck Connect advocates for a robust transportation network which will allow neighbors easier access to community resources. We also utilize data from our partners, community surveys, and local governments to identify what the greatest unmet needs are. 

The United Neighborhoods